Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Design Photobook Syawal 2011

Photobook kedua ni sy design Mini Landscape Fullwrap Hard Cover
kecik sikit dari Classic Landscape Fullwrap Hard Cover
but still nice la..

Ini adalah design setiap page..


page 1

page 2-3

page 4-5

page 6-7

page 8-9

page 10-11

page 12-13

page 14-15

page 16-17

page 18-19

page 20-21

page 22-23

page 24-25

page 26-27

page 28

30 muka surat termasuk cover..
baru je anta 1 copy print td

InsyaAllah minggu depan siap la ni..

hehe.. photobook kedua la... nk tgk photobook ptma?  Klik Sini

p/s; yg line merah tuh akan di trim nanti.. so xnmpak kat hasil photobook sbenar..

Monday, February 27, 2012

Design Photobook Cukur Jambur Harith

hai semua..
Alhamdullilah, rasa syukur dan bangga sgt bila org suka hasil kerja kita kan..
Walaupun sy rasa hasil photobook pertama sy ni xde lah nak seberapa grand sgt macam photog2 kat lua sana..
dah cuba sehabis baik dah ni, pengalaman baru bila dah tahu design photobook sendiri.. kalau dulu tgk org je, cantik2 pulak .. mula lah rasa nak belajar.. biasa la budak baru belajar.. mana boleh teros pandai kan.. umpama bayi baru lahir la, mana boleh teros brlari.. mest ikut step by step..

entry kali ni nk post la design2 photobook yg sgt simple, sbb xde idea nk wat lagi kreatif la.. see la..


page 1

page 2-3

page 4-5

page 6-7

page 8-9

page 10-11

page 12-13

page 14-15


page 18-19

page 20

semuanya 20 page..
thanks buat Pn Norazanizah kerana sudi amek sy sbagai photographer majlis Cukur Jambul anak sulungnya..
sy paling suka gambar kat page 14-15.. weee... nk tgk hasil x? Klik SINI ~~ Hasil Photobook Pertama

p/s: syg la beby ni xnak clik mata time shoot gambar die.. xpuas sgt! ishh.. 

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Choosing a studio

One of the great appeals of photography as a hobby is that there's always something new to try. There are new skills to learn, and even more expensive gadgets and equipment to buy, but if you get everything just right you might be able to produce something beautiful, and there aren't many things in life more rewarding than that. One of the most rewarding directions to take your hobby is home studio photography. The new skill to learn here is the control of light, shadow and reflection, the expensive new gadgets are lighting and background systems, but the rewards are beautiful professional-looking portraits of your family and friends.

Chosing a Studio

If you're thinking about setting up a home studio, the first thing you have to consider is space; you're going to need quite a bit of it. As I discussed in my tutorial on focal length, for portrait photos it's best to use a longer focal length for portrait shots, and this means that for full-length shots of a standing subject you have to be around 5m away from them, which obviously means your studio area needs to be pretty large, about the size of a generous double bedroom. What you want to find is a large spare room with little or no furniture in it, with a floor area at least 5 x 4 metres with a nice high ceiling and a couple of mains electricity outlets. A loft conversion or decent-sized garage or lock-up is ideal. If you simply don't have that kind of space to spare at home, enquire at your local arts centre. You may find that they have studio space available for hire at reasonable rates.

Apart from floor area, the most important consideration for a studio is the control of light. When you're trying to set up the perfect portrait shot you need to have complete control over the lighting, so you don't want stray light from doors and windows creeping in and spoiling the shot. There are two ways to do this; either black out any windows with heavy curtains or blinds, or only shoot at night, assuming you're not worried what your neighbour will think when they see camera flashes coming from your bedroom window. If your studio space is permanent you should also cover the walls, floor and ceiling in dark colours, preferably black. The less stray light you have bouncing around the room, the tighter your control over the light in your pictures.

p/s: teringin sgt nak ade studio photography sendiri.. InsyaAllah satu hari nati akan wujud studio untuk FZy Photography.. Amin~~

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Hasil Cubaan Pertama ~~ Photobook~~

Salam ,
hye guys.. thanks again for visit my simple blog..
arini nk sembang sikit pasal photobook pertama FZy Photography!!..
seriously teruja gile bile GDEX dtg umah anta album ni..

cuak gile nk bukak kotak ni, haha.. excited sebenarnye..

perghh, dah nmpak sikit dah.. die punya box siap print uh... di bungkus dengan kemas dan rapi!

ni lah hasilnya.. salah satu muka surat yg sy rasa cantik sgt...

p/s : thanks myflippix sbb bg kepuasan dan kepercayaan lg untuk hantar print album nih... Im Love"it haha